PLL (phase lock loop)
This program configures the PLL to operates at 80 MHz.
Therefore the system clock is runing at 80 MHz insted of 16 MHz.
/* *****************************************************************************************************
These addresses define the registers that configure the PLL
#define SYSCTL_RIS_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400FE050))
#define SYSCTL_RCC_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400FE060))
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400FE070))
// The end of PLL registers definition.
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025400))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025420))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025510))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x4002551C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025520))
#define GPIO_PORTF_CR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025524))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025528))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x4002552C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400FE108))
void PortF_Init(void);
void PLL_Init(void);
__asm void
Delay(unsigned long n)
SUBS R0, #1
BNE Delay
bx LR ;//the link register is providing the address to branch to.
int main(void){
Delay(13333333); // delay ~0.5 sec at 80 MHz
Delay(13333333); // delay ~0.5 sec at 80 MHz
void PortF_Init(void){
volatile unsigned long delay;
SYSCTL_RCGC2_R |= 0x00000020; // 1) F clock
delay = SYSCTL_RCGC2_R; // delay
GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R = 0x4C4F434B; // 2) unlock PortF PF0
GPIO_PORTF_CR_R |= 0x1F; // allow changes to PF4-0
GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R &= 0x00; // 3) disable analog function
GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R &= 0x00000000; // 4) GPIO clear bit PCTL
GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R &= ~0x11; // 5.1) PF4,PF0 input,
GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R |= 0x08; // 5.2) PF3 output
GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R &= 0x00; // 6) no alternate function
GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R |= 0x11; // enable pullup resistors on PF4,PF0
GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R |= 0x1F; // 7) enable digital pins PF4-PF0 }
void PLL_Init(void){
// 0) Use RCC2
SYSCTL_RCC2_R |= 0x80000000; // USERCC2
// 1) bypass PLL while initializing
SYSCTL_RCC2_R |= 0x00000800; // BYPASS2, PLL bypass
// 2) select the crystal value and oscillator source
SYSCTL_RCC_R = (SYSCTL_RCC_R &~0x000007C0)
// clear XTAL field, bits 10-6 + 0x00000540;
// 10101, configure for 16 MHz crystal
SYSCTL_RCC2_R &= ~0x00000070; // configure for main oscillator source 10001111
// 3) activate PLL by clearing PWRDN
SYSCTL_RCC2_R &= ~0x00002000;
// 4) set the desired system divider
SYSCTL_RCC2_R |= 0x40000000; // use 400 MHz PLL, DIV400
SYSCTL_RCC2_R = (SYSCTL_RCC2_R&~ 0x1FC00000) // clear system clock divider
+ (4<<22); // configure for 80 MHz clock, 400/(4+1) = 80MHz
// 5) wait for the PLL to lock by polling PLLLRIS
while((SYSCTL_RIS_R&0x00000040)==0){}; // wait for PLLRIS bit
// 6) enable use of PLL by clearing BYPASS
SYSCTL_RCC2_R &= ~0x00000800;
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